Una bomba superatomica viene lanciata, da una nazione sconociuta, su una piccola città americana dove si cela un centro per le ricerche atomiche. L’esplosione ha per effetto di rompere la continuità del tempo e sbalestrare la piccola città, intatta, in un’epoca dell’avvenire, a milioni di anni nel futuro, in una Terra morente e arida, inabitabile e deserta. La Federazione delle Stelle, che governa tutti i mondi del futuro, interviene per evacuare la popolazione della città su un altro pianeta. Ma la popolazione si ribella, e, con l’aiuto di uno scienziato del futuro, alla Terra morente viene iniettata una potente carica atomica che ha la virtù di riscaldarla nuovamente. Gli ultimi superstiti rimangono quindi sulla Terra rinata e la vita degli abitanti della piccola città può riprendere il suo corso normale, nella eterna storia dell’Universo.
An anthology of stories edited by Isaac Asimov, Martin H Greenberg and Charles G Waugh
Curt Newton, in quest of a friend lost inside Vulcan, faces the most insidious dangers he has ever known in his entire galactic career!
The pleasant little American city of Middletown is the first target in an atomic war—but instead of blowing Middletown to smithereens, the super-hydrogen bomb blows it right off the map—to somewhere else! First there is the new thin coldness of the air, the blazing corona and dullness of the sun, the visibility of the stars in high daylight. Then comes the inhabitant’s terrifying discovery that Middletown is a twentieth-century oasis of paved streets and houses in a desolate brown world without trees, without water, apparently without life, in the unimaginably far-distant future.
Hamilton’s novel inspired Robert A. Heinlein’s survivalist novel “Farnham’s Freehold”.
Von Sonnen geboren, von unvorstellbaren Kräften, Drücken, Temperaturen, atomaren Bedingungen, innerhalb der mächtigen Sonnen. Geboren als Endprodukte einer Evolutionskette, die beinahe so alt war wie das Universum; Gruppierungen von Photonen, die Bewußtsein erlangten, Individualität und Willenskraft. Ihre Körper bestanden aus Energie, nicht aus Materie. Ihre Sinne hatten nichts zu tun mit Gesichtssinn oder Gehörsinn. Ihre Bewegung war ein müheloses Gleiten, so schnell wie die Photonen des Lichts selbst…
An amazing weird mystery story, packed with thrills, danger and startling events.
Being expelled from an air lock into deep space was the legal method of execution. But it was also the only way a man could qualify for—The Legion Of Lazarus
She was floating along the wreck-pack's edge.
Helpless, doomed, into the graveyard of space floats the wrecked freighter
He was afraid—not of the present or the future, but of the past. He was afraid of the thing tagged Reed Kieran, that stiff blind voiceless thing wheeling its slow orbit around the Moon, companion to dead worlds and silent space.
Grim death was the only romance to be found on this world that boasted a thousand moons