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Название Her Name Will Be Faith
Год 2012
Язык Английский (en)
Язык оригинала Не указан
Размер 914.28 KB
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Добавлена 2013-06-01 15:20:41
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Thirty years ago, the events depicted in this book were dismissed as impossible, because it could never happen. Now we know better. Hurricane Sandy proves that New York could by hit by a major storm, and Sandy’s strength never exceeded Category 2 (100 mph). Hurricane Faith is a Category 5 storm, with sustained winds of more than 150 mph, and gusts of far greater strength. Christopher Nicole and Diana Bachmann have created an unforgettable picture of the devastating forces that Nature can command, tracing in carefully researched detail the genesis of this ultimate storm from its inception off the coast of Africa to its terrifying climax.

But it is also the story of the people attempting to live through it from the handsome, debonair weather expert, Richard Connors, who know what is coming but can find no one to believe him, to journalist Jo Donnelly, estranged wife of millionaire sportsman Michael Donnelly, whose relationship grows with the approach of the storm. But it also tells of the many others, rich and poor, caught up in events they do not understand and with which they cannot cope, until the devastating, heart-stopping climax as the storm strikes and the greatest city on earth is laid waste about them.

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