Oskar, un niño solitario y triste que vive en los suburbios de Estocolmo, tiene una curiosa afición: le gusta coleccionar recortes de prensa sobre asesinatos violentos. No tiene amigos y sus compañeros de clase se mofan de él y le maltratan.
Una noche conoce a Eli, su nueva vecina, una misteriosa niña que nunca tiene frío, despide un olor extraño y suele ir acompañada de un hombre de aspecto siniestro. Oskar se siente fascinado por Eli y se hacen inseparables. Al mismo tiempo, una serie de crímenes y sucesos extraños hace sospechar a la policía local de la presencia de un asesino en serie. Nada más lejos de la realidad.
Considerado por la Academia Sueca uno de los autores de mayor talento, aclamado por la crítica como el nuevo Stephen King y considerado por los lectores el sucesor de Stieg Larsson, el maestro escandinavo del terror se imagina en su nueva novela qué pasaría si Estocolmo fuese tomado por los zombies.
Algo muy extraño está ocurriendo en la capital de Suecia: en medio de una inusual ola de calor, la gente se da cuenta de que no puede apagar la luz ni los aparatos eléctricos. De repente, una noticia sacude a la nación: en la morgue los muertos están resucitando. ¿Qué es lo que quieren? Lógicamente, volver a casa…
It was a beautiful winter's day. Anders, his wife and their feisty six-year-old, Maja, set out across the ice of the Swedish archipelago to visit the lighthouse on Gavasten. There was no one around, so they let her go on ahead. And she disappeared, seemingly into thin air, and was never found. Two years later, Anders is a broken alcoholic, his life ruined. He returns to the archipelago, the home of his childhood and his family. But all he finds are Maja's toys and through the haze of memory, loss and alcohol, he realizes that someone or something is trying to communicate with him. Soon enough, his return sets in motion a series of horrifying events which exposes a mysterious and troubling relationship between the inhabitants of the remote island and the sea.
Oskar and Eli. In very different ways, they were both victims. Which is why, against the odds, they became friends. And how they came to depend on one another, for life itself. Oskar is a 12 year old boy living with his mother on a dreary housing estate at the city's edge. He dreams about his absentee father, gets bullied at school, and wets himself when he's frightened. Eli is the young girl who moves in next door. She doesn't go to school and never leaves the flat by day. She is a 200 year old vampire, forever frozen in childhood, and condemned to live on a diet of fresh blood. John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel, a huge bestseller in his native Sweden, is a unique and brilliant fusion of social novel and vampire legend; and a deeply moving fable about rejection, friendship and loyalty.
One autumn day in 1992, former pop singer Lennart Cederstrom finds something unexpected in the forest: a baby girl in a plastic bag, partially buried. He gives her the kiss of life, and her first cry astounds him; it is a clear, pure musical note. He takes her to his wife and persuades her that they should keep this remarkable child. But the baby becomes a strange girl, made more unusual by their decision to hide her in their basement to keep her from the prying eyes of government departments. When she reaches puberty, a terrifying scene sees her kill both her parents. When her scheming adopted brother returns to find her over their bodies, he seizes the opportunity and enters her into an X Factor-style talent competition. She quickly becomes famous. In spite of this, she remains very lonely, until she befriends another damaged girl on the internet. They form a powerful bond and soon create a growing gang of other disgruntled girls and, calling themselves the Wolves, they set out to take revenge for all they've ever suffered.