Rebecca Ore’s most recent novel, Gaia’s Toys, was published by Tor in trade paperback last May. Her newest book, The Outlaw School, will be out from Avon sometime next year. Of her latest tale for Asimov’s Ms. Ore says, “A conversation about hantavirus with a researcher at the Virginia Museum of Natural History and fish-smuggling tales from members of the American Killie Association and American Cichlid Association led to this story. Bruce Turner, Ph.D., of Virginia Tech was the science consultant.”
A word of warning: There are some violent and sexual scenes in this story that may lie disturbing to some.
Rebecca Ore has published seven novels since 1988. The latest, Gaia’s Toys, has just come out in trade paperback from Tor Books. Her last story for Asimov’s, “Hypocaust & Baythesphere” (January 1995), was a time travel story set in medieval England. In her newest tale, Ms. Ore peers deep into America’s own past to reveal some complex and unsettling secrets.