Martha Sinnott returns with her second husband to the New England artists' colony she left behind seven years earlier when she divorced her first husband. The townfolk have remained much the same, including Martha's former husband, who has relocated nearby. Martha is in touch with her former friends, who are in touch with her former husband, so Martha should be able to see him as well, shouldn't she?
A suspenseful and sometimes horrifying novel of manners, whose plot and odd mix of characters combine to produce an unorthodox thriller about the hijacking of a Middle East-bound jetliner over France in early 1975. "Psychologically astute, ironic and ultimately heartbreaking"(Publishers Weekly).
The seven stories collected here showcase McCarthy's formidable powers of observation, her deliciously witty writing style, and her celebrated talent for dissecting characters with biting acuity. A young woman looks for subtle (and not-so-subtle) ways to escape her unsatisfying marriage; an innocuous single man's friends realize his companionship has an enormous price; and an Italian guide puzzles a traveling pair of Americans.
This is the author's first novel, which relates the experiences of a young bohemian intellectual. The six episodes create a fascinating portrait of a New York social circle of the 1930s. McCarthy's bold insight and virtuoso style won her immediate recognition as one of the most accomplished, versatile, and penetrating writers in americanca.
Written with a trenchant, sardonic edge, "The Group" is a dazzlingly outspoken novel and a captivating look at the social history of America between two world wars. Mary McCarthy's most celebrated novel follows the lives of eight Vassar graduates, known simply to their classmates as "the group." An eclectic mix of personalities and upbringings, they meet a week after graduation to watch Kay Strong get married. After the ceremony, the women begin their adult lives--traveling to Europe, tackling the worlds of nursing and publishing, and finding love and heartbreak in the streets of New York City. Through the years, some of the friends grow apart and some become entangled in each other's affairs, but all vow not to become like their mothers and fathers. It is only when one of them passes away that they all come back together again to mourn the loss of a friend, a confidante, and most importantly, a member of the group.
Книгу «Камни Флоренции» американская писательница, публицист и театральный критик Мэри Маккарти (1912–1989) опубликовала в 1956 году. Это и полный живых зарисовок путеводитель по Флоренции, и очерк ее бурной истории, и увлекательный рассказ об искусстве и художественной жизни этого овеянного легендами города. К счастью, великие города, подобные Флоренции, меняются медленно, а потому книга Мэри Маккарти и сегодня удивительно актуальна и интересна.
На русском языке издается впервые.
Кто, во имя чего развязал эту войну? Что в действительности происходит в Южном Вьетнаме? За чьи интересы воюют и гибнут американские парни? Как относятся ко всему этому сами вьетнамцы? Нельзя ли найти выход из создавшейся обстановки? Эти вопросы задают многие американцы, которым дороги справедливость, свобода и независимость.
Известная американская писательница Мэри Маккарти в своих очерках пытается дать ответ на эти вопросы, описав все, что она увидела и пережила в Южном Вьетнаме весной 1967 года.